Working from Home

Top Tip 1 – Keep a routine
It can be really tempting to stay in bed until 7.45am roll out of bed and log on ready for an 8am start. Although simple - getting up, showered and dressed for the working day ahead is good for your mental health. Try where possible to maintain a routine, you will feel much better for it and able to get into the frame of mind for the working day.
Top Tip 2 – Work boundaries
It can be difficult to switch off after work if you’re trying to relax in the same place you’ve spent all day reading emails and attending meetings. If possible try and create a separate space for work and avoid working in different places throughout the home – if you spend one day in the living room, next day in your kitchen you will find work reminders everywhere you turn.
Top Tip 3 – Keep active
Try and get out (where possible in line with government guidance), even if it is for a wander around the garden, especially in this lovely weather we are having!
Top Tip 4 – Stay hydrated
Is anyone else finding they are drinking more tea and coffee than normal? Being at home, working so close to or even in the kitchen makes it easier to go and make a cuppa. Try to have a glass of water in between those caffeine fixes or switch to decaff.
Top Tip 5 – Stay connected
Working from home can be isolating as you miss out on conversations in the office about what people got up to at the weekend and what’s for dinner tonight. Make sure not to just email colleagues - try where you can to also video call over teams or phone colleagues. It’s important to speak out loud and have conversations every now and again.