Doing good does you good: Random acts of kindness

Research shows that helping others can be beneficial for our own mental health. It can reduce stress and improve our emotional wellbeing.
You could....
- Give someone a compliment – whether it is a family member, friend, or stranger you pass in the supermarket, giving someone a compliment will make their day and make you feel good.
- Cook a meal for someone – Why not cook a surprise meal for someone you live with. Not only will they be happy but you’ll also get a tasty meal too
- Donate – Next time you’re at a supermarket why not add a couple of extra tins of food in your shopping and leave in the supermarkets foodbank basket? Alternatively you could give a donation to a local charity or you can make a donation to us.
Find out how to make a donation to us
- Support someone in your community – Do you know of any elderly or vulnerable neighbours on your street? Check in on them (ensuring to keep to social distancing) and see if they are doing ok or in need anything next time you’re in the shops
- Let someone know you’re thankful for them – Call your parents, your grandparents, sibling or best friend and let them know how much they mean to you
- Call/Text a family, friend or colleague who may be struggling with loneliness or isolation – Being able to speak to someone even if it’s just about the weather could really help someone feeling lonely
- Virtual cuppa – Arrange to have a cup of tea and catch up with someone you know.