Get inspired and learn ways to maintain your health and wellbeing

Online peer support
HealthMakers pop-ins and workshops
Whether you’re living with physical or mental health difficulties, or struggling with your general wellbeing, you may be finding it difficult to cope or adjust at the moment.
How HealthMakers can help you
We offer a combination of both peer support and structured self-management courses and workshops to help you learn essential skills to help you feel able to better manage your own wellbeing.
Our HealthMakers volunteers will listen to you and offer peer support and advice on other appropriate services for your situation. They can support you to self-refer or assist with the referral to other services if we think it will help.
Virtual Pop In Cafes
Whatever you're dealing with, our Virtual Pop In Cafés are a safe, supportive and friendly sessions where you can get guidance and support about managing your health and wellbeing.
These 60 minutes sessions are open to anyone living in East Berkshire:
- Every Tuesday at 1.30pm
- Every Thursday at 11am
Introduction to Self-Management Course (3 sessions)
Thursdays, 1.30pm to 3.00pm
Our online course covers essential skills and knowledge to help you manage your own health and wellbeing, regardless of the specific difficulty you are experiencing.
Topics include goal setting, goal follow up, building resilience and support networks.
Each 90 minute session allows you to discuss these skills and benefit from the support provided by other participants and our HealthMakers volunteers who facilitate these sessions.
SHaRON (Support Hope and Recovery Online Network)
The Support Hope and Recovery Online Network (SHaRON) is a secure and confidential online platform, moderated by our clinical staff, to enable people who have accessed Talking Therapies to support each other and get expert advice once they come to the end of their treatment journey with us.
SHaRON provides support and advice for people who have accessed NHS Talking Therapies and can help you maintain the gains made during your therapy and support you to stay well even once you’ve left the service.
Find out more about SHaRON (opens in new browser tab)
How SHaRON can help you
If you’re accepted onto SHaRON, you’ll be supported by our moderating team, which includes experienced clinicians, volunteers and other people who have accessed Talking Therapies.
On SHaRON you will have access to forums full of information and resources that can help you progress following therapy. You can also share your experiences via the wall and blogs.
You can refer yourself directly to HealthMakers without being referred by your GP - as long as you are registered with a GP in East Berkshire (Slough, Bracknell or Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead).
Email or call us us for a full list of current courses and pop-in cafe dates and times.
Please include your full name, contact phone number, email address, the name of the East Berkshire GP practice you are registered with and your NHS number.
Request a callback call 0300 365 2000 (option 2) and we will get in touch
To keep our users safe, you need to be approved by our team to access SHaRON.
You can ask to be referred to SHaRON through your therapist once your treatment with NHS Talking Therapies has come to an end.