Help shape the way we do things

Join our virtual patient forum
Join our Friends of NHS Talking Therapies mailing list to hear about ways to get involved, including our quarterly patient forum meetings, and help us make improvements to how our service is run.
What is involved
Listening to your feedback and suggestions first-hand helps us make sure that we are constantly improving and providing the best possible service. That’s where you come in!
Our ‘Friends of NHS Talking Therapies’ is a virtual forum that gives you the opportunity to have your say and influence things like:
- New projects
- Digital platforms
- Wording of appointment letters or other patient information
Who can take part
We welcome you to join our virtual patient forum if either you have completed your treatment with Talking Therapies or are currently receiving treatment.
Time commitment
We meet virtually, for one hour in the evening every three months, using a digital platform called One Consultation.
Further opportunities
We may occasionally get in touch to ask you for feedback on another particular topic or offer ways to get involved in between quarterly meetings but we try to keep this to a minimum.
How to join
If this sounds like something you’d be interested to get involved with, get in touch!
Email us at putting ‘Friends of TT’ as the subject to receive joining details for our forums and any other patient participation opportunities.